How Are Spirits Created?
I’m sure many of you asked this question yourself. How does one become a spirit? Short answer, we don’t know, thank you see you next week. While not scientifically proven (Because spirits are still a paranormal phenomena) there have been theories on why spirits would stick around and that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
The vengeful spirit, I’m sure this is the most common spirit you think of when you try to figure out how they’re created. You’ve heard the stories of “Unfinished Business” I’m sure. This type of spirit comes back typically when the person is murdered or more often when that murder is unsolved. While they may come back angry at the attacker, its more likely that they’re trying to get the aid of the person they’re haunting to solve their case. In 1897 there was a case that where this very thing happened. Elva Zona Heaster Shue died mysteriously one day and was buried without question. He mom said she had a vision of her daughter saying “My neck was squeezed off at the first joint”
Following this vision, her body was exhumed and examined and indeed her neck showed signs of strangulation. Now if this happened today momma is the number one suspect but in 1897 they declared it murder of the first degree and sent her husband to prison. Apparently he was known to have a hot temper and abuse his past wives. If you’d like to read more about it I’ve gotten the information here
Next is your standard spirit, when people ask me how ghost are created this is usually what I tell them. Imagine you’re driving along a road, trees on both side in the middle of nowhere. You get a text “See you soon” when all of the sudden your car is face first into a tree, all the airbags are deployed stuffs smoking, you get out to check the extent of the damage. Later ambulance arrive and pull your lifeless body out of the car. That’s how quick it happened, one moment you’re driving, next you start haunting a highway. If your death was quick you may not even notice.
Back to the “Unfinished business” part. This dosen’t necessarily mean that its for revenge or to solve a murder. Sometimes it’s just pain that lingers. I read a story once of this boy who was amazing at sports, until he got a serious injury from football. His doctor told him he’ll never walk again let alone play. He went to his room, sat on his bed and pulled out a gun. He placed it in his mouth and shot himself. The wound didn’t kill him immediately, he fell off his bed and crawled down the hallway of their apartment calling out for his mom until he bled out. They say till this day, he crawls down the hall looking for his mother.
This may be a “Residual” sort of energy, an energy trapped in time unaware of change, but then there’s intelligent spirits as well. Now, for a second, imagine you died, you don’t know your dead but you haunt the house you and your family lived in. You see them but they don’t see you, they don’t respond to you and this makes you upset, you try to leave the house but can’t, you start throwing things hoping someone will notice but they only get scared. This pisses you off, you get angry, your family moves out without telling you and a new family moves in and you are stuck here. This is how poltergeists are created (supposedly).
While there’s no real proof that this is how spirits come about it definitely is a theory to look at. I’d love to hear from you all and see what your perspectives like on how spirits are created. If you’re an investigator, please, please be respectful. These spirits were once people too, they’re not toys or pets to play with, keep this in mind when you go out on your next hunt.